Who is Izzy?

Isaac Pierre, known as Izzy, is a guitarist, beatmaker and a music producer, born on October 7, 1998 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He is actually a student at the University Notre Dame, where he is learning Accounting. He is the founder and the current C.E.O of Izzy Music’s (2019), a house of music production. He is also the founder and the current Coordinator of a non-for-profit organization named BIJ Group (2018) that works in social facts, guiding Youngers in their professional career, through training. He loves music since he was a child; he first started with drums at School and at Church, and after he switched to guitar.

He is the first of a family of 5. He grew up in a poor environment, a suburb named Martissant. He was at G.V Peniel High School, he was smart at school, and he still is. Due to his intelligence, he found Scholarship from FOKAL, (Fondasyon Konesans ak Libète), a non-for-profit, which helped him with his classical studies fees. After High School (2017), he found another scholarship from HELP, (Haitian Education and Leadership Program), another non-for-profit organization that works in education, providing scholarships to smart students, but with lack in economic situation. He learned a lot of things, because he has one goal which is to help his family and to prepare a better life for his future children, a life that he didn’t have. He has skills in a lot of disciplines such as rescuing, videomaker, photography, graphic design, DJ, managing etc…

He is known for his personality, the one who is always motivated, determined, and who never give up, the one who easily influence people, just by acting or talking. His friends call him the unlicensed psychologist, because he likes to give advice. His favorite quote is : ”With determination and motivation, nothing is impossible”.

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